I am the developer of the Watchword Personality Test and owner of watchwordtest.com, which I launched in 2016 as a free resource for those interested in Jungian analytical psychology and who wish to explore the Watchword Personality Test.
I was formerly Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Co-Director of the Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology Research Unit at Liverpool John Moores University, where I taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in psychology and counseling. I also trained and practiced for six years as an honorary psychotherapist (psychodynamic) in the British National Health Service.
Scroll down for a full list of my books and research publications.
Daniels, M. (2023). "Roots and Branches of Transpersonal Psychology". Keynote address delivered at the British Psychological Society Transpersonal Psychology Section 25th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, Sept. 2nd 2023.
Daniels, M. (2022). Embracing metaphysics in transpersonal psychology: A response to Steve Taylor. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 24(1), 56-64. [Preprint PDF]
Roe, C.A., Gordon-Finlayson, A., & Daniels, M. (2020). Transpersonal psychology and parapsychology: Lessons from the near-death experience. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 52(2), 188-203.
Daniels, M. (2017). "On Trying to be Reasonable: Personal Reflections on a Career in Transpersonal Psychology". Keynote address delivered at the British Psychological Society Transpersonal Psychology Section 21st Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, Sept. 22nd 2017.
Daniels, M. (2013). "Traditional Roots, History, and Evolution of the Transpersonal Perspective". In H.L. Friedman & G. Hartelius (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology (pp.23-43). John Wiley & Sons.
Daniels, M. (2011). "Retrospective and Challenges for Transpersonal Psychology". Keynote paper given at the British Psychological Society Transpersonal Psychology Section 15th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, Sept. 17th 2011.
Stumbrys, T. & Daniels, M. (2010). An exploratory study of creative problem solving in lucid dreams: Preliminary findings and methodological considerations. International Journal of Dream Research, 3(2), 121-129.
Rowan, J., Daniels, M., Fontana, D. & Walley, M. (2009). A dialogue on Ken Wilber's contribution to transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 13(2), 5-41. [Preprint PDF]
*Daniels, M. (2009). Perspectives and vectors in transpersonal development. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 13(1), 87-99. [Preprint PDF]
Gordon-Finlayson, A. & Daniels, M. (2008). Westerners converting to Buddhism: An exploratory grounded theory investigation. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 12(1), 100-118. [Preprint PDF]
Sanches, L. & Daniels, M. (2008). Kundalini and transpersonal development: Development of a Kundalini Awakening Scale and a comparison between groups. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 12(1), 73-83. [Preprint PDF]
Hartley, J. & Daniels, M. (2008). A grounded theory investigation into negative paranormal or spiritual experience, based on the ‘diabolical mysticism’ of William James. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 12(1), 51-72. [Preprint PDF]
Lancaster, L. & Daniels, M. (2004). Transpersonal Psychology Section - Annual Conference 2003. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 8(1), 3-5. (ISSN: 1366-6991)
*Daniels, M. (2003). Making sense of mysticism. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 7(1), 39-55. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (2003). Michael Daniels replies. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 67.2, No. 871, 159-160. [Preprint PDF]
*Daniels, M. (2002). The transpersonal self: 2. Comparing seven psychological theories. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 6(2), 4-21. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (2002). The "Brother Doli" case: Investigation of apparent poltergeist-type manifestations in North Wales. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 66.4, No. 869, 193-221. [Preprint PDF]
*Daniels, M. (2002). The transpersonal self: 1. A psychohistory and phenomenology of the soul. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 6(1), 17-28. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (2002). A response by Michael Daniels. Self & Society, 29(6),57. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (2001). The solution to human evil: a transpersonal perspective. Self & Society, 29(4), 20-28. [Preprint PDF]
*Daniels, M. (2001). On transcendence in transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 5(2), 3-11. [Preprint PDF]
*Daniels, M. (2001). Towards a transpersonal psychology of evil. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 5(1), 15-27. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (2000). Examining the nature of mind. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 4(4), 62-65. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (2000). The shadow in transpersonal psychology. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 8(2), 10.
*Daniels, M. (2000). The shadow in transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 4(3), 29-43. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (1999). Transpersonal psychology and the paranormal. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 7(2), 112.
Daniels, M. (1999). Language and spatial metaphor: archetypal reflections. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 7(1), 48.
*Daniels, M. (1998). Transpersonal psychology and the paranormal. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 2(3), 17-31. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. (1998). Watchword technique of Jungian self-discovery. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 6(1), 63.
Daniels, M. & McNutt, B. (1997). The role and scope of transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 1(5), 33-38. [Preprint PDF]
Daniels, M. & McNutt, B. (1997). Questioning the role of transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 1(4), 4-9. [Preprint PDF]
*Daniels, M. (1997). Holism, integration and the transpersonal. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 1(3), 12-16. [Preprint PDF]
Harrop, A. & Daniels, M. (1993). Further reappraisal of momentary time sampling and partial interval recording. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 26(2), 277-278.
Harrop, A., Daniels, M. & Foulkes, C. (1990). The use of momentary time sampling and partial interval recording in behavioural research. Behavioural Psychotherapy, 18, 121-127.
Harrop, A., Foulkes, C. & Daniels, M. (1989). Observer agreement calculations: The role of primary data in reducing obfuscation. British Journal of Psychology, 80, 181-189.
*Daniels, M. (1988). The myth of self-actualization. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 28(1), 7-38.
Harrop, A. & Daniels, M. (1986). Methods of time sampling: A reappraisal of momentary time sampling and partial interval recording. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 19, 73-77.
--- Reprinted in Methodological and Conceptual Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis, 1968-1988. From the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Reprint Series, Vol. 4, pp. 193-197. The Society for Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Inc., 1989.
Harrop, A. & Daniels, M. (1985). Momentary time sampling with time series data: A commentary on the paper by Brulle & Repp. British Journal of Psychology, 76, 533-537.
Daniels, M. (1984). The relationship between moral development and self-actualization. Journal of Moral Education, 13(1), 25-30.
*Daniels, M. (1982). The development of the concept of self-actualization in the writings of Abraham Maslow. Current Psychological Reviews, 2, 61-76.
Daniels, M. (1981). Morality and the person: An examination of the relationship of moral development to self-actualization, mental disorder, and personality. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Leeds.